Our law offices are located at:

Ph- 858-505-8000

4901 Morena Blvd., Suite 121
San Diego, CA 92117

Baltimore Criminal Attorney


Misdemeanor crimes need to be taken just as seriously as federal crimes.

Many people make the mistake of underestimating both the short-term and long-term consequences of a misdemeanor offense committed in the Baltimore area. Give yourself the best change at beating your misdemeanor charges by appointing an attorney to your case as soon as possible.

Our Baltimore Criminal Defender works with our clients to make sure they understand their rights throughout the legal process. We can represent any case of misdemeanor criminal activity such as:

Our Criminal Attorney Will Protect Your Rights

Many misdemeanor charges in Baltimore carry serious penalties, including up to a year in jail, probation and a fine. The Baltimore Criminal Defender is experienced in handling misdemeanor charges in the Baltimore courts and can protect your rights early on in your case.

If you have found yourself in need of a dependable criminal attorney in Baltimore, call today for a free initial attorney consultation.